Robins is a talkshow hosted by Robin Paulsson featuring guests and mixed with comedic sketches and games. For the 2019 season of Robins I made a handful of random things.
60 traffic cones
Some 60 miniature traffic cones for a remote controlled car game. Made of paper, glue, lead weights and paint.
Big sign: Kändis (Celebrity)
Big sign with the word Kändis in patinated 3D letters, blinking lights, and a pointing arrow for a sketch. Aprox. 150 cm wide. Made of MDF, paint, foamboard, and wood.
Two British foot soldier hats
Bearskin hats with chinstraps for an in-show game. Made of thermal foam, bubble wrap, glue, faux fur, elastic band, golden ribbon, and a recycled metal necklace.